Meet Your Coach

My heart felt intention is to create a safe space for you to begin your journey towards innate power and clarity. Making gentle changes is essential to staying rooted in long-term awareness, gratitude, and self confidence. As you create and achieve goals, you will become empowered with a new, guided path in life through spirituality.

My Journey

In August of 2018, I found myself stagnant; I spent over 23 years in corporate america, and excelled, yet found myself so exhausted by the politics of it I could scream. My relationship was stagnant, and after 25 years of being a full time mom, both my boys had moved out. How did I find myself this unhappy? My late mother used to admire the way I lived, she said, “You go through life as if you’re eating a granny smith apple”, my favorite apple, of course. Life was fruitful and joyus for me, how did I get to the point of feeling nothing?

I was facing a milestone birthday, taking inventory of my life, and I wanted help. One day, while scrolling through social media, I stumbled across a spiritual page associated with a local bookstore. I decided to sign up for the six-week centering coaching hosted by a spiritual goddess. We focused on how each individual creates their own reality, and most importantly, how all the answers were within me, Goddess just guided me through the questions. Strength and resilience had been expected of me my entire life, yet choosing empowerment transformed me from a reactor to a creator.

I’m a lifelong learner, and that taste of coaching lit a fire inside of me to learn everything I could and share my experience. I drew from teachers like the late Dr. Wayne Dyer, seeing him speak was pivotal in my journey. He taught me and others how to move on, how to absolve guilt, and how to cultivate kindness. Beyond the lessons, Dr. Dyer’s teachings showed me who I wanted to be, and how I wanted to do it. The more I expanded spiritually, the more chaotic other aspects of my life felt in comparison. When Spirit wants you to address an issue, it will become very loud in your life.

By June 2019, I found myself in another awakening. I have a vivid memory of exiting the elevator after work, looking up at the ceiling and saying a conversation with Spirit. I said,

“You have to get me out of here, I have responsibilities. I can’t just quit.”

The following day I was called into my manager’s office and released from my managerial position due to budget cuts. He was more upset about letting me go, than I was about leaving, but my prayers were answered and I felt immediate relief. The feeling of empowerment quickly rushed and whispered

'“Let’s get started.”

I didn’t miss a beat. By August, thanks to my newfound hours of freedom, I became a Certified Empowerment Coach. I finally had the time I’d been asking for to invest in myself and in my relationships; my partner and I attended couples counseling and by September were engaged. We married in December, and my internal joy spread like wildfire through my external reality. I had coaching clients a few months later and aimed to expand into a full time business. 

The quarantine hit as soon as I grasped my footing as a coaching business owner. While the world was forced to look within, I took my own advice, observed incremental changes and found myself on a new journey toward inner clarity. I not only documented my growth, but dissected the core perception of kindness, a lesson everyone, everywhere, needed in the pandemic. Thus came the birth of the Practical Positivity in 90 days journal, a gift I’m so grateful to share.

My heart felt intention is to create a safe space for you to begin your journey towards innate power and clarity. Making gentle changes is essential to staying rooted in long-term awareness, gratitude, and self confidence. As you create and achieve goals, you will become empowered with a new, guided path in life through spirituality.